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3/16/17: HCI and Design for Healthcare Researchers and Practitioners

March 16, 2017


Gillian Hayes, PhD
Kleist Professor of Informatics
School of Information & Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine


About the Webinar:

Technological systems are increasingly essential to healthcare, but these systems are often unusable and inefficient. Human-Computer Interaction, the study of how humans and technologies interact, provides a variety of theories and methods that can be usefully deployed in improving the design, development, and evaluation of health technologies. In this talk, I will provide an overview of HCI and design with pointers to additional resources for those who desire more study.

About Gillian Hayes:

Dr. Hayes is the Robert A. and Barbara L. Kleist Professor in Informatics in the School of Information and Computer Sciences and in the School of Education and School of Medicine at UC Irvine. Her research interests are in human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, assistive and educational technologies, and health informatics. In particular, she focuses on vulnerable populations in their efforts to understand their own data and in the use of these data to provide them with necessary resources and services. She is the Director of Technology Research at the Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the Faculty Director for Civic and Community Engagement at UCI and Chief Technology Officer for Tiwahe Technology. More about Gillian Hayes.

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